It's Christmas Day, and you must choose one. Which do you choose?

Get no gifts, but spend the entire day with your family
326 votes

Volunteer your time and donate your gifts to the less fortunate
200 votes

Work 8:00 am - 8:00 pm for triple pay
238 votes

Stay in your room for the entire day, but get 100 gifts
589 votes


HhGkgdfdjjcgxjdhtditdgditegidrejkjtenixgdvdidvudvdigdjdogdfdugdibdidgidvudgdidvuvhdugdudfjdudbifvdudgdjydjgdigjbjgdjfcjdgdjdgcjvdufughdghdybh Dgxnhjcghjjxgdivicbdkfgibcjgckgibcjgjhjjdgogdidgdivxidvigxoxbkddhihcjkhcobcjhjchchchdhgcicgcjvcjgchhchcbcbcjcbidjjcjjdhuchudbihdihidhjcchibchciohfjfjfhijfhcjchifbfuhciubcibdidjcbibdjcodbjcjicbcibdihnm,bdkhh

ImabitchWtf is wrong with you @amaya

NoufStay in your room for the entire day, but get 100 gifts