Love, Luck or Money?

872 votes

1027 votes

3314 votes


softball02LOVE <3

Highqualitydirt@softball02, if you have luck then you will get the other two as well

CimFamIf you choose Luck you will find your Love and you will earn money <3

Aye_itsleslieLuck cuz wen u have luck u have everything

Michael MoonIf you have love and money you'll lose the money JK maybe

Isabella Henson Luck cuz maybe I'll get LUCKY TO BE A SINGER !!!!!

ToshaLuck. You could have money or love!

MoodyMoon"Love must be tried and tested to truly true and strong" cant remember where i heard that; but if u have luck, n ur in love, then nothing bad will happen, so u will never know if that love is really true

Britty-Dog Lover Love all the way

Xxelinexx__If you're lucky you can get both

Britty-Dog Lover Hahaha yes!!

The real Mrs. Styles @Xxelinexx__ agreed

Hannah@Highqualitydirt That's smart I didn't even think of that ;D

Annabel i already found love and that's all I want

IvanaWith luck you can get love and money

Bailey_Boo! All 3

Dstarluck- cause if I get lucky ill win some money and then go marry my rich dream guy that ill meet at a rich people party lol

This girl.Luck, lol.

Loveme24if you got luck you get love and money

Loveme24if you got luck you get love and money