According to you, one direction are

31 votes

349 votes

Good singers
166 votes

284 votes



elisa@Candy Cane ??

Figure09They suck ass.

elisa@Figure09 do you know the respect ?

Figure09@elisa The respect? As in these little shits doing practically nothing and getting famous for it?

DirectionerOne Direction is SEXY !

elisa@Figure09 i agree with you they didn't work hard to be famous but now they make happy a lot of girl all over the world, they saved life and give a part of their money to charity, so respect them i think there are a lot of people in the world who can't do the half of one direction do

DirectionerOne Direction is a good singers and generous ! One Direction is the BEST ! Im #directioner <3

Figure09@elisa Mhmm... Sure...