Thoughts on cutting? :/

I do it :(
34 votes

It's for cunts who want attention
52 votes

I understand why people do it
63 votes

Why do people do it??!
69 votes


Madison T ❤Suicidal I do it and it is not for ATTENTION!!!

Madison T ❤Suicidal I cut my thighs today

Gerard Way's Bae I did it 2 days ago... I regret so much. I've tried to stop but thoughts of my horrible bullying in school come back... And pictures of when my mom cried when I was 5 years old.. I'm not a fucking attention whore (FYI) I hate being the center of everything.. And I hate attention ._.

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. cutting yourself isn't going to fix life problems. Sucking it up and moving the fuck on will.

Night_ShadowI've thought about doing it, but I'm not sure how to do it

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl I'm sure whatever problems u have r bad but killing urself won't solve anything

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO it might solve everything, you never know what could happen

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I agree so much with that statement

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl no it won't it it's the worst thing u could think of

ANONYMOUSmy cousin use 2 cut herself and she said she did it cuz she felt good when doing it weird

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO no it's not, it's probably the best thing I could think of in my opinion

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl well oblivious you don't think much.

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl u know I could stay here and argue with u bout how u shouldn't do it but if u want 2 go ahead u will realize how big of a mistake u will make

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World you are wrong, I think a lot, you don't know what's going on in my life

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I will never make a big mistake in my life! You have no idea what's going on in my life!

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl yea ur rite he doesn't but killing ur self won't solve anything

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl I know I don't and never will but doing that won't solve anything

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO you don't know what you are talking about! It might solve all of my problems, but that's my opinion

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl boo hop you had a hard life. You're just 13, you're going through this thing could puberty. It sucks, at times you want to kill yourself. But pushing through it makes you stronger, you'll grow so much and learn a lot while you go through it. So stop being afraid and move on. You'll do just fine.

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I'm not 13, it's my lucky number

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl how old are you?

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World why would I tell you? I don't even know you!!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl because there's a reason I have this name. If you don't know, all I do is help people who needs it. And I ask for nothing in return. Because helping people is it's own reward. All I want to do is help.

MP3it's bad. If u get bullied , u don't need to cut or slash ur wrists and go through even more pain. Confront ur bullies and keep yo head up

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World well thanks for the offer, but I'm fine. I don't want any help

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl well you'll get it anyways. You don't know me but I'm persistent. I hate to see people go through pain and struggle. Life is too precious to end so young. Before you even got a chance to live. Take control f your life and guide yourself in the direction you want to go. Show no fear, and you'll do fine. No one should go through the struggles I've been through. Cutting will not solve your problems. Keeping your head up and moving on will. Hope you actually live by these words. That's all I can give. Goodnight.

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World if you were the president you wouldn't be on here & you would know how to spell correctly. Also, I never asked for your advice & I won't live by those words

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl he's just trying 2 help he never said he was the prez

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl. Stop, think, and realize. That is all. It may take time, but you'll realize that people care about you, whether you want them too or not. And if I was resident I would be on here doing the same thing I am now because I care how people feel and want to help them. Goodnight

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO well I don't want help! I know people are trying to help, but it doesn't! Nothing helps me except one thing, that I can't even see

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl we'll u need it I love u ain't that isn't some type of sick joke

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I don't need help! I want to figure life out without it! & you don't even know me so you can't love me!!

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl actually I do and u do

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I don't need help!! & you don't know me!! If you knew me you would know where I live!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl. Tell my why turn down the one person who wants to help. The one person who will stop and pick you e fallen. I believe you can make an impact on this world, some way somehow. You are the future of the new generation. And what are you so stressed about, your parents go through more shit than you. They work hard everyday struggling to put food on your table. Just because they ignore you, you decide to kill yourself to get their attention. The only reason they aren't ending their life is because of you. You keep them going. As for people, well most people are assholes, but then there's people like me and HCK. People who care enough to go out of our ways to help someone in need because you are our future.

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl yes we just want 2 help I do love u

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World well to be exact, I don't want/ need help!! Also you don't know anything that's happening in my life!!!!

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I will never get help from either of you!!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl I don't want to. But I want to guide you to making the right decisions. You could be the next CEO or big time business woman. You can have a wondrous future.

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl we'll baby if u told us maybe we could help u which is all we want 2 do

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I don't want a future!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl we don't give up.

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World I don't care if you give up or not! I'm tired of this conversation! I probably will never answer to you guys ever again!!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl STOP BEING SELFISH!!!! Suicide is a selfish act when they only think about themselves. And not about the life they could have had. Not meeting the love of their life, or seeing their kids of to college. Life is all you got. There are people in Africa who have it way worse than you and are happy to he alive to see another day. Because they believe they will make it in today's world. Why would you want to end the one thing you have in this world?

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl yes u self bitch no offense but I love u and u gone I'd be nothing

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Country13Girl ok you need to listen. You are like thirteen. You am haven't even BEGUN your life yet. You think the life that you have now is going to be your life forever but it's not. 75% or more of kids are bullied. The thing is, 75% of kids aren't killing themselves. The point of life is to endure obstacles and grow from them so you can better yourself. All these experiences you face now may seem awful, but keep in mind your situation can Always be worse. There's no telling what tomorrow will being or the next day. You should be thankful. You don't have cancer like some of these poor kids who are stricken I'll at a young age. You aren't one of them. You are part of the 75% of children who are bullied. And I've been bullied on a regular basis before and let me be the first to tell you, it gets better. I don't exactly know your situation. But I'm assuming it has something to do with bullying. I hope you can see that ending your life is not an option you should EVER consider.


Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I'm not 13, it's my lucky number

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl how old r u than love

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO why would I tell you?? I don't even know you!!

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl lol I love when ur mad so watcha doing

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO why do you love it when I'm mad? I'm on this & in bed

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl oh ur so sweet so no school

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO yea, I'm taking the day off & thanks ☺️

ANONYMOUSUr welcome yea school sucks

ANONYMOUSEven tho school sucks what's ur fave subject

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO my fave subject is the ride home

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I ❤️ school! & my favorite subject is computers 💻

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl oh yea computers probably is the funnest 2 bad I don't take it no more

ANONYMOUS@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World compare yes or no

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I actually like my computer class.

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO funnest isn't a word, the proper grammar is most fun

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World Yea, now we are on the same side for something! Lol 😊

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl oh u so cute

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO wait, how am I cute?? You are making no sense sometimes, no offense

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl you a cool girl. Never be normal, normal is boring

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl oh u so cute when confused so is this other vato

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @Country13Girl he means you're innocent cute

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World aww... thanks! & I'm not normal, I'm completely different! Also, I'll let you guys help me, I was just tired last night. Sorry about all of that 😊

ANONYMOUS@let no I don't think so

Night_Shadow@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World still, that makes no sense!

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl it's ok we love u

🐄MooMooCow🐄(sarUchan)I know someone that did.


ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl what's so funny huh u know what no I don't love u I don't take 2 kindly 2 ppl laughing at me

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO by saying you love me, it's kinda funny because I don't even know you & you make no sense sometimes, no offense, so I had to do it. Hope you understand 😊

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl omg u know what I'm so srry I love u I was being stupid plz take me back love

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I will never take it back! I don't even know you!! ☺️

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl oh ok :(

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO sorry, jk I've already taken it back! lol 😊


Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO 😊 😍 lol

ANONYMOUSUr not the only 1 who needs love

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I figured that out a long time ago, back in the good old days

ANONYMOUSI know u don't want 2 answer but how old r u and 13 my mucky number 2


Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I will never answer that question! & cool 😊

ANONYMOUSOk we'll are u atleast older than me I'm 15

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO I'm afraid I'm not aloud to tell you any of that information. Sorry, rules are rules


ANONYMOUSwe'll country girl atleast tell me what's ur real name just ur 1st 1 atleast

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO sorry, I don't answer personal questions

ANONYMOUS@Country13Girl god ok are u white Asian black Hispanic

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO American

ANONYMOUSOk we'll it was nice meeting u anytime u want 2 talk I'm here bye

Night_Shadow@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO okay, bye 😊

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Country13Girl ok girl I wrote you that whole fucking thing and you don't even give a shit. Jesus Christ go to the mental ward then


Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 lucky for me, I don't believe in God, also I will never go anywhere that has the word mental in the name, so shut the fuck up & leave me alone

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Country13Girl fucking crazy ass. Cut yourself then damn

ANONYMOUSOh come on duchess that ain't fucking nice

👊Duchessjohanna👊@HCK LMKRSONE THE CHOLO ok and? She's a bitch. I tried helping her.

Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I will if I want, besides you can't control me. I can do what I want when I feel like it

Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I'm not a bitch, I don't want any help, get a life

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Country13Girl hmmm clearly you do if you're bitching about it. Fucking move on.

Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I don't need help, you don't know anything, & I've already moved on you stupid bitch

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Country13Girl sureeeee fucking asshole

Night_Shadow@👊Duchessjohanna👊 what's that supposed to mean? You don't know anything

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. okie things have gotten out of hand again. Calm down and looks at this (\ /) ( . .) c(”)(”)

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl GOD! I just don't see how ppl are feeding into ur bullshit! Ur def whining for attention, AND UR DEF 13 FUKKIN YRS OLD! You sound so immature!!! EVERYBODY has a fukkin "woe is me" story! I get fukkin nauseous with this, " my life is so hard, no one gets me, I'm sooo deep"! GAG ME!!! Try bitching about life when you've actually LIVED one! Until then, SUCK IT UP, & if you don't want ur "personal business" out there, SHUT THE FUKK UP! And alla y'all readin what I'm writing, - Quit feedin into her bullshit!!!

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 I'm not 13, it's my lucky number. Also, you don't know what you are talking about! Get a life you fucking bitch!

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 Also they can do whatever they want. & spell correctly, or else

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl I've got one, UR THE ONE PATROLLING HEYCROWD LOOKIN FOR SYMPATHY! I absolutely don't believe you! Ppl that want to kill themselves don't blast it thru Internet 1st, they just quietly go do it. Pathetic 13 yr olds whine & tell everyone. Just sickening, truly. You needa put the Internet down & go tell mommy to spend time with ur lil ass! Ur clearly in need of attention.

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 it's okie. I helped her.

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Let people hate, it proves that you are better than them. The Pope of HeyCrowd/Emperor of the World she clearly needs some more! She runnin thru this bitch, talkin about all kinda dumb ass shit!

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 I'm not 13, & I don't need attention. Also I can do what I want when I feel like it, you are not in control of me. Shut the fuck up & leave me alone for the rest of your life

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 yea, he helped me so leave me alone!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. NO MORE COMMENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl listen very closely, YOU could never critique me. Got that? I don't take criticism from mislead 13 yr olds. Best believe, if I'm misspelling something, I MEANT to. Lets get this all the way straight, I see you everywhere makin loserly comments. Ur doin this on PURPOSE, I've got kids ur age, PIECE OF CAKE to read ur lil ass. Go try this shit on a pm, I'm no longer interested in seeing you bitch about life, than when someone tries to actually help ur lil ass, you give nothing but attitude. Just QUIT!

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 do I have to repeat myself, I'm NOT 13!! It's my lucky number. & you're not helping me! My comments aren't loserly! You're just jealous cause I have a better life than you! I'm not going to quit until you back off! You got that?? You can quit if you like, but I'm not, you understand??

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl exactly how I'd expect a 13 yr old to behave. I'm not the one " "threatening" suicide. ( and I use "threatening" very loosely) so apparently my life is fine. I'm thru talkin to ur lil pathetic ass. I have more interesting conversations with my toddler.

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 do I have to repeat myself? I'm NOT 13. It's fine by me if you still think I am but I'm not. Have fun with your pathetic life! I know who you really are, so don't ever mess with me again or else

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl I'm messin with ya right fukkin now! Ur about to make me talk real bad to ur lil ass! I'm tryna keep this PG for ur lil 13 yr old ass, but if ya wanna bump to a grown up, ur gonna fukk around & get treated like a grown up! You already got low self esteem, don't get me started playin' on ur lil feelin's. I got kids, I know how to use a mafukkin belt on ur lil bad ass! I'm challenging you, since you know who I really am, bring ur lil bad ass on around here! Ima spray ur lil baby buttcheeks with a water bottle, then put my leather Michael Kors on that ass! You have my permission to consider this your, "or else". I guarantee you'll leave here knowing how to respect ur elders!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 I don't care how you treat me, but I think I'm done insulting you for one day, you fucking bitch, have a nice life

Night_Shadow@💥BOW DOWN BITCHES!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!!💥 also, this conversation ain't between us, it never was

🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥@Country13Girl this isn't even ur post, so originally it was never "ur" convo to start with. I jumped in cuz I saw all my lil homies up there opening their hearts up to you only to be called a bitch & get talked bad to. IM NOT HAVIN THAT! Btw, ur not big enough to "insult" me. In case you didn't know, I am THAT bitch. You'd hafta have some sorta intellect to insult me, baby girl. It takes A LOTore than idle threats.

artfreak27🎨I've tried but I didn't because of a promise, wish I could be dead :*(

cassiecurvelook up the song ' baby dont cut ' on youtube......... that is why u shouldnt cut

VioletThey want peoples attention

AzraI know lots of people who cut/used to cut and it's definitely not something they do for attention. If it was, they wouldn't try so hard to hide it.


NijMaybe they do it cuz they feel like no one cares for them so they intentionally hurt themselves to get the pain out of their minds and into their body's?? Idk I thought I was going somewhere than lost it at the end

Ayye_its_me___🐠@j_swazy real pain and the pain from cutting are two different things cutting doesn't even actually hurt its more of a relief because pain demands to be felt but not in an extreme way..