Is the blonde hot or not

242 votes

Hot !!
82 votes

42 votes

Not !!
353 votes


AwesomeMe!!!errr, sorry my phone is kind of bad in color, but aren't they both blonde?

AwesomeMe!!!errr, sorry my phone is kind of bad in color, but aren't they both blonde?

IHATECHEESE😝i know they're both blonde

SavvyNo. I'm a redhead


Thomas i actually think that the blonde is hot

Mrs.Mitić@Savvy omg you are like 10 years old you can be cute but not hot..

RebeccaYou are 10. You can't be hot and I don't know why you want to ask a bunch of old people how you look. If anyone over 14 says hot then they're pervs.

Julia Pinkman@Rebecca absolutely right.

Julia Pinkman@Rebecca absolutely right.


Rileythere's only a brunette and red head that I can see on my phone...