Which is more popular

Jennifer Lawrence
204 votes

Demi lovato
162 votes

Selena Gomez
555 votes

Marilyn Monroe
308 votes


QuirkyBeeI meant to put Marilyn Monroe

jessi don't know out of Lawrence and gomez

πŸ’ŸNae πŸ’ŸNae@jess yea but I'm leaning towards Jennifer

A random girl named marina vasquezi like Jennifer Lawrence

Miano one beats Jennifer

πŸ’ŸNae πŸ’ŸNaeAnd Jennifer has a great personality in real life I watch all her interviews

Xavier Mitchell lil wayne

AVERAGETROLL guess what Marilyn fucked a president so suck that (no pun intended)

SoDevilishI like Marilyn <333

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Jennifer lawrence is awesome☺

marccuttey1998 your pretty

πŸ’šπŸ‘—βœŒJadeβœŒπŸ‘—πŸ’šjen is the best!

Livyd123Go J LAW

Lexi :) Jennifer Lawrence

Lexi :) hopefully she'll be remembered when she's dead like marylin Monroe

Shinedown01Jennifer Lawrence

You got it dude <3hallo

Allison MicheleGo katniss lol!

LeaJennifer Lawrence !!!

Ρ‚Ι‘ΚŸΙͺΙ‘Marilyn Monroe 😍