How many languages can you speak? #BTWenglishdoesnotcount#

Language genius, more than 7
25 votes

51 votes

Oops..caught native english speaker
114 votes

Between 1 and 4
322 votes


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Louis ChristopherEnglish doesn't count ? My god , whoever made this question is like god of stupidity and lord of dumbass and major of notasinglefuckingbrain town . Dude English IS a language. If you are only excluding it from this question be more specific about it . Jesus

CraftyNikki@Louis Christopher where are your friends and you must be pretty lame too. Oh by the way your big example must be Jesus and please fuck yourself before making such stupid comments. #Loneralert#

Louis Christopher@CraftyNikki my friends ? Hot loads bitch . Only Spencer's dead and saruchans somewhere

CraftyNikki@Louis Christopher saw the new question I put up? I see you are not only bugging me but also making dumb comments at each others questions. If you think these questions are so stupid can you think of an "interesting" comment, bet you don't dare. You're so childish and so irresponsible, probably to ashamed to face the real world. You know how you can actually make friends smile and drain all that negativity away. #goodluckloner#

Louis Christopher@CraftyNikki I find my comments quite interesting really . I like to see 5 year olds like you getting all work up on an app. It's pretty sad .....

CraftyNikki@Louis Christopher, you're such a sucker. This is my way to defend and you're impression is just really sad stalking people and using youre "uninteresting" comments as comeback but I think ignoring you seems the best. Since these comments don't show youre true colours and you have nothing to do, I will stop writing because I am wasting my time at you. You will notice life will be quite uninteresting without these bitchfight flying to eachother..

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