Do you smoke cigarettes?

1071 votes

7396 votes

Used to
449 votes


JacobusI'm trying to quit

Screamin' Lord ByronSpeaking as a man.. if a "perfect ten woman" puts a cigarette to her lips, she instantly looses 3 to 4 hottness points. Not sexy, girls... not sexy at all.

Rita Zgheibmy father smokes so much he made me hate cigarettes since I was 1

cannibalunicorn@Screamin' Lord Byron I wouldn't go that far, but yea cigarettes are gross and they make you smell horrible. Although I won't deny myself an occasional cigar!

Alli Bally Smoking is bad for u

cannibalunicorn@Alli Bally Smoking is bad but it takes 20+ years of smoking a lot everyday to even see the bad side effects. Oh and everything is bad for you in large amounts! Eat to much and you get fat, stay out and tan in the sun to long and you get skin cancer, microwaves cause cancer too. Literally almost everything is bad for us if we get/do to much of it. An occasional cigarette with friends won't do shit.

Kalvyn_Isa_Ostrich.. I feel like such an outcast here.. Haha..

Michael MoonI like the smell of smoked pipe tobacco, but dad never inhales when smoking it.

Screamin' Lord Byron@cannibalunicorn What you say is true, a casual smoke once in a while should do no harm, but then again, it won't help either. I guess it comes down to weather or not you enjoy it.

Taylor I hate the smell of smoke can't stand it I don't care what u guys have to say about it I'm still going to think its not good to smoke

Babie Gurl01Darnitt. Meant to put nope.

Sadaf bieber@Taylor same here people have different opinions and people sould not have a problem with that so I don't care if somebody says that smoking is not bad for you people have opinions and I don't think that smoking is right

L I L Ymy mums mum and dad die from smoking when my mum was 11 her sister and 2 brothers couldn't Support her ( she was the youngest) so she had to get forester homed

Britty-Dog Lover NO EWWWWW GROSS

sadaf bieber@Babie Gurl01 ha ha ha

emma@Screamin' Lord Byron yea

😚smoking is gross

Chelsea my mom always used to smoke around me and I thought that I would die.

Megan5I will never ever smoke

Julie Hamiltonyes :-(

BabyStarbucks🌸Don't smoke. People die too young because of it. I hate it how glamorous old movie stars like Audrey Hepburn had to smoke in roles they played. Audrey Hepburn didn't smoke but she still died young. I love her ❤

TaylorSwiftFanmy poppa smoked and had a heart attack so I will never smoke

Aeriana Pacheco Never do it

SoDevilishI smoke sometimes and you can say things like: smoking is bad for you or you'll die because of that but that doesn't matter because everyone dies

Lexi :) true that ally

Lexi :) @SoDevilish it is your choice and if u want to die early u can

Michael Moon@alexis true

Alex MorenoI am 11


Millionaire it is so bad for you and you could get lung cancer from it

Joseph Marshallbad for u

Kaycie WisslyNo way cigarettes can kill you!!!

Mohid Kamran MalikDon't smoke don't kill yourself

SoDevilishI don't care if I die a year or something earlier than non smokers, I just wanna do what I want

SoDevilish@alexis that sounds fucking cruel

GracieMy dad has been smoking since he was 13

GracieAnd lost his future career because of it

Alex MorenoDang

Stranana.❦Hey ! Coucou les anglais ! Mdr

TaborI'm with Alex I am 8

Macie BixbyShute I said the wrong answer... I meant used to... jkjk

Emmanueli wonder if electronic cigarettes are as bad

irianaI have some one in my family died fro that :o

luvu4evesgives u fucking lung cancer so no.

bunnybuggHmmm well I recently quit smoking and none of the side effects ever made me think twice except when I realized how much I was spending on cigarettes

IceMan@Emmanuel Bellity I don't think so as they have no smoke

nugget_babyive smoked twice and nothing happened
