Do you have a app named "iFunny"??

Yea, it sucks
317 votes

Never heard of it
1437 votes

Yes, it's great!!
1323 votes

3208 votes


KayEveryone who reads this should download iFunny. Try it, and if you are not impressed simply delete it. I really recommend it.

DanielleIfunny is hilarious!!

BabyStarbucks🌸What is iFunny?

Princess Love it

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI love it

mackenzieill get it

IzzyI love iFunny:)

Brianna I just got it it is halarus

Nathan HenschGo get that app it's legit

RayyI used to.

Joseph MarshallWhat is that

Ida Perezi like the book I funny it's pretty good

backwoodsbarbieI wish

DUBST3PiFunny sucks Get LOLbucket its much better

Veronica😘@DUBST3P Ikr!

jaybirddancerwhat's that?

Mrs. HoranI used to have it but then I deleted it bc I didn't like it

Mrs. HoranWho doesn't??

Mrs. Horan@Ida Perez ur dumb it's not a book it's and app dumbo

Mrs. Horan@Ida Perez how old r u like 5?? U like hello kitty??

Ida PerezI'm 10 and thank you for asking !!!!!

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xX@Mrs. Horan there is also a book named Ifunny *face palm* oh how judge mental my generation can be.... It's such a shame 😔

Ida PerezAnd some kids like hello kitty ok !!!

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xX@Mrs. Horan I like hello kitty and I'm almost 13...

Ida Perezat least some one on my side

SoriNA @Mrs. Horan are u a directioner?

Kit Kat I'm not 17. Oh we'll!

Kit Kat I mean we'll