I really like a girl but she doesn't really know who I am or like me back what do I do?

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2isbetrthn_1Being a girl, I like it when guys start conversations. Maybe start taking with a "hello", or "can I sit by you?" After a while you could ask her for her number, I bet she'll be glad you asked. I promise. Then it'll grow from there;)

Michelle Tormanenbe your self and if she doesn't like who u are as a person trust me she is not worth it

Mahonie forever :) 💜💙💚❤😍get to know her 👍

LeslienpI don't know how old you are,but you need to show interest in he if she smiles and laughs at you then keep going,but if she doesn't stop and just tell her that you just wanted to be friends.

Joshyou be awesome

Ashley RobinsonAsk her if she is free on just say Friday and if she says yes tell her "I will pick you up at 8"

Jr.fuzzyAsk her if she likes her then kiss her

elijah1234567890thanks guys and girls

ASHLEY:)just be yourself and go and talk to her

alpacataylorJust be like having a normal conversation with her and say hey just wondering do u like me?