Hot or not

76 votes

Extra hot
8 votes

So hot
10 votes

Really hot
2 votes


ryberWtf?! Where's the 'not hot' button!?! I hate when ppl do this

joyful122how old r u? Hot is not even a question yet!!!

Courtney am hot to

mollie xxu dont ask a hot or not question and then dont put a not ?? but ur really pretty and young so dont need to ask these question just yet!:)

Emma Roseeeee💖look, ur young. So ur cute. U will be hot in the future. I promise.

i love my guina pigsrealy coutney am to

Courtney You are really nice how old are you@Emmy😍😍😍

Courtney You spelled my name wrong Nadiya

Erik Diaz PaganWell I too old to comment I don't think the question is appropriate for your age how you focus on school worry about men when you grow up to be a lady hot won't matter btw just a little wisdom looks don't last forever our lucky if you still got it when you're 40 just saying hell some people manage to keep things going a lot longer but its still not forever sorry anyhow you got to be like 8 or something in that range...


GiancarloUgly as shit should be the only answer!

GiancarloAnd u said i was ugly look at yourself first

GiancarloBtw yes doesn't mean hot it means both

Giancarloyou don't say "yes" to a hot or not


GiancarloUgly as shit should be the only answer!

GiancarloAnd u said i was ugly look at yourself first

GiancarloBtw yes doesn't mean hot it means both

Giancarloyou don't say "yes" to a hot or not

hush so young.

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession You are so self obsessed cocky and arrogant