Should I make a tree house underground house or hut on mine craft

173 votes

54 votes

Tree house
261 votes


johnThx wow 55 vote in like 1 hour

Alexlovez13🙊U should do an underground house connected to a tree house.

johni made an underground house connected to a normal house

Alexlovez13🙊@john that's cool but, u should still try my idea if u want to. And do u play Minecraft on a Xbox,phone,computer?


johnand pe

Alexlovez13🙊what's ur ganertag on Xbox and/or do u have Xbox Live?

johnya its circlingshadows but my friends list might be full

Alexlovez13🙊well see if it is and if it isn't friend me:Silent7890: that's my gamertag.


john@buggie13💋 but I can't go on atm