Who's hotter? The brunette or Redhead

48 votes

168 votes

331 votes

Both cute , not hot
250 votes


TAMARTIANYou two are both ugly and you know it. It shows in the simple fact you didn't place "no" as an option . Sad.

Angieummm none! Both r gross!


Brittney i agree none


PLLfan#1All of you are so mean!!!! That we both pretty in their own way. You all aren't beautiful models yourselves so shut thefuck up

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹I hav to stick with mah sistahs so..... the brunette

savvytheredhead@TAMARTIAN umm how would no be an option? What it'll say "Who's hotter?" You'll just say "no." Or "yes" like wtf. Get a life instead of judging people.

User 475301@TAMARTIAN that is mean and hurtful the only thing you should be saying is that they're both pretty. i have friends with all kinds of different hair colors and people are always saying how pretty we all are

User 475301@. @Brittney and @Angie if you're going to say something mean, you should say it to their faces instead of online like some wuss

User 475301you don't have to STICK with anyone. you are incredibly biased if you choose one just because you have certain friends who think you should choose a specific one. these girls are both beauitiful in their own way.

🌻Jada🌻im sick and tired of u!!! u always ask that question

youloveneffeπŸ‘€πŸ’œπŸ’°πŸŒ΄Well it's our opinion and if they don't like the fact that some people think they ugly then they shouldn't be asking who is prettier but redhead

azrzUgly assholes