Which do you watch

I like all
55 votes

Good luck Charlie
73 votes

39 votes

I don't know eny of them
80 votes


UserStupid shows what a kid

Courtney how about you shut up


GiancarloWTF!! What are these shows you ask the dumbest questions

GiancarloU r like 6 years old

UserStupid shows what a kid

Courtney how about you shut up


GiancarloWTF!! What are these shows you ask the dumbest questions

GiancarloU r like 6 years old

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession I miss old disney channel like lizzie Maguire and that so raven

NayaWhy r u guys being so mean just bcuz u don't like those shows doesn't mean the whole world doesn't or else they wud have been canceled a long time ago so how bout u guys stop acting like 7 year olds and shut up

Drama Queen✌All Disney channel shows..


Justin ALL

Justin @User. Shut up

Justin @Giancarlo shut up