If you had a million dollars you would...

Spend it on yourself!
532 votes

Share it with friends and family
583 votes

Save it- it will be useful later
904 votes

Donate it to charities
369 votes


Mauricio Toro ArzeGood choice :P

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara I would buy a huge house!

Lindsay i would spend it on 1D tickets!! Lol

Lindsay but I would buy a house in London so I could meet 1D THAT'S BETTER!!!

pinkbananas14i would do all if them

letssgallopi want to buy a house and a horse ❤🐴😛

psyinvest u might make more money

Helmirawri'd spend it myself but give some to my family :3

Katie JohnstonI'd buy a tortoise

Leen I will do exactly like Lindsey... Love 1D

Lindsay @Leen Ikr whoever doesn't like one direction is CRAZYYYYY