What toy was your favorite when you were little?

656 votes

745 votes

1329 votes

Stuffed animals🐑🐘🐥🐢
1086 votes


Amy ⚓Bratz 😛

Jasmine@Amy ⚓ yes I luv bratz


Saraevery choice

Britty-Dog Lover Stuffed animals hahaha

Figure09all of the above

jerreck007action figures

•.• • Ashley • •.•all of thee above

GracieDolls and stuffed animals

Juliaoutside :)

L🔹O🔸L🔹O dolls 👭

Ethan Dunnei do like games

justannikaBarbies <3

Cupiecakie I was never aloud to play with dolls


R5_crazy_RossBig eyes

Abbie my stuffed puppy I named puppy. Very creative name.

hannah6424@ Abbie lol do you have a turtle named turtle?

Candy ❤I hated dolls when i was little, i grabbed them on theire hears

MaddyBieberWell, I'm still kinda lil but um... My iPod lol

__niyaaa__The toy with the balls in the inside and u move it and it pops

ѕωιм;)@Britty-Dog Lover same

Isabella All of this above

Drama Queen✌still kinda little (I'm 10)... My iPhone...

Isabella All of this above

Drama Queen✌still kinda little (I'm 10)... My iPhone...

AJsuedethey werent dolls they were action figures

ѕωιм;)i would play stuffed animals and barbies lol