Would you rather have:

A great love life with an ugly person
2125 votes

A terrible love life with a beautiful person
863 votes


The hoe slayerall I Carr about is hygiene And also personalitie

cannibalunicornas long as they have nice teeth, hair and eyebrows I'll be happy. Oh and good hygiene

BreannaDisco@cannibalunicorn this question is stupid -.-

Moshichops14yeh the question is stupid cause like who would love a person who is ugly I prefer handsome guys

•.• • Ashley • •.•i could date an ugly guy what if the handsome guy has a bad personality smokes does drugs etc. as long as if they have a great personality

Zoëi don't think someone would really consider them ugly if they really loved that person.

Razor475@Zoe That is a very good and accurate statement I believe.

Angelo RobinsonAs long if there personality is beautiful

PersonnnI don't think any one would be very happy with a handsome guy with which they have a terrible love life.....Good looks can only go so far (not very far actually).