My world is about......

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82 votes

170 votes


You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. and food is good too. So god and food.. Oh and women


brookiebear @DObryant well god uhh....he if you know things about Him and the bible he will send food if you get it:)

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @brookiebear stop it, don't be one of those Christians that try to force their religion on you. I hate that.

brookiebear @DObryant ok sorry I disintegrated mean to get u mad just wanted to point something out I swear I'm not that kind of person srry😉

brookiebear Disopiont woops😎

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @brookiebear okie. Now go eat something I assuming you hate yourself for no reason. Eat and love it

brookiebear Didn't mean not disintergraded

brookiebear @DObryant thanks!

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @brookiebear was I right?

brookiebear @DObryant well my throught is dry and I don't hate myself lol so I guess u were rite the first one 👻

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. then love yourself. You only have one body and one life. But you live everyday until you die. Fuck yolo.

brookiebear @DObryant yup and love yore self too and everybody who is reading this yolo (stalker) jk

Pokemon fan!!!!!tie between animals and friends