Isn't this true?

856 votes

317 votes


Redneck500Quit using the f word there are little kids on here.

Fig_dat_chuloyes you fucking can say it in public places ...

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. @NiallHoran's#1girl fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Say it loud and say it proud unless your parents are behind you. Then say it in your mind


DeJuan You can say it in public tho

DeJuan It's just ignorant to

JosephI'm asexual, so no its not.

Notorious@DeJuan Ignorant means uneducated or not knowing. Please don't use that word where it doesn't belong.

NotoriousAnd people say what they want anyway. Obviously. I hear more fucks while walking through the halls of my school than I do out on the streets. Mm!