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Mrs.tomlinsonlove them

ryberoh wow that's so cool I want them

:.Brianna::M.:I want thosee❤

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔i hate them but I like the shoe

Kelly There cool but u would need 2 b insane 2 wear them

jerseygirl18zzzwhere r they

xmotherfuckerx@Star of the Sparkle wow.

erinlove louis too

Kelly There cool but u would need 2 b insane 2 wear them

jerseygirl18zzzwhere r they

xmotherfuckerx@Star of the Sparkle wow.

erinlove louis too

xxottiliaxx Need it*

Panda hero the shoe has Harry's face on it that so cute

Angell👼❤love it love 1D love louis

Mrs Stypayhorliksonlove it

ClaudiaIt is cool but I don't like 1d

Monkeys/Selena Gomez/ Ariana Grande Rock!Where did you get those???

CCFPlease tell me where you got those!!!! <3 :)

sweetside🌸It looks fake

⚓Gillian⚓AHHHHH I SEEE HARRY!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Amanda i have those shoes and I meeting them June 13th backstage passes I can bring one person

Jocelyni want them!!!!

Melissa18446that is so retarded

Belieber and directioner LOVE EM WANT EM NEED EM

#😊~bedaboo~{☺}WTF i want the shoe just not the retards on it