Which singer do you like best?

194 votes

225 votes

101 votes

379 votes


Adriana Demi I have feeling for her song with bulimia and cutting bulling

IsaacBeibers an asshat, Miley's a hoe, and I never heard Demi sing, so Selena's the winner

elenamillersweesyall of them 👌

corahMe, all of them

ǰʉłïⱥ ∞I don't like any of them 😂

Lexi<3haha bieber's face is like "dafuq bitch"

ZoëSixx🎵🎶🎧🎵um I hate them all

NotoriousCan we just take a moment to appreciate how feminine Bieber looks in that picture?

SakanaruAdam Levine

Cgamer17Bieber has no idea what's happening, Miley has gone down the weird path, never heard any of Demi's songs, so Selena wins.