What are your favorite kind of chips?

365 votes

Cold ranch
59 votes

125 votes

248 votes




IHATECHEESE😝TAKIS!!!!!!!!! If u don't know Wat it is it has lemon and chilie

Erik Diaz PaganIt was the Ruffles 'Big BBQ & Cheddar' late 90's limited time only 😎

Erik Diaz PaganIt was the Ruffles 'Big BBQ & Cheddar' late 90's limited time only 😎

A person with an Ed Sheeran obsession I'd call chips what you'd call french fries correct me if I'm wrong but don't all crisps(you call them chips) have potato

Emersonsour cream and onion!!!

Mrs. Horanit's cool ranch not cold ranch but I like sour cream and onion chips

hannah6424salt and vinegar and nacho cheese Doritos

Xavier Mitchell WHAT IS COLD RANCH

nugget_baby^ its cool ranch fool… and creem cheese and chedder ruffels or dill pickel

Selina Swiftie ✨@Eve i think they mean original when they say potatoe ;)

Xavier Mitchell WHAT IS COLD RANCH

nugget_baby^ its cool ranch fool… and creem cheese and chedder ruffels or dill pickel

Selina Swiftie ✨@Eve i think they mean original when they say potatoe ;)

Carissacool ranch!

hiits not cold ranch its cool ranch damn it