Obama or Bush Jr?

Bush Jr
387 votes

Who are these people?
276 votes

1089 votes

Can we have Clinton back?????
215 votes


Screamin' Lord ByronAnyone but Obama.

.George Bush, Jr. all the way.

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Hey Obama is the best so stuck with it got it!!!!!!!!

Screamin' Lord ByronI'd vote for a container of orange juice before I'd vote for Obama.

Thomas @Screamin' Lord Byron exactly!! Obama sux

MindyObama is wonderful. Great president.

Thomas @Mindy nope.

Thomas if he's soo wonderful, then y does he spend tax payers money on vacation? And he gives more money to the rich, and less to the poor. Sounds like a jackass to me

guyevery one of them are horrible presidents

💦💕Obama don't suck let me tell y'all something who said Obama sucks listen to me look Obama ain't done a damn thing wrong y'all just shut the hell right up u racist jacks now listen to this sense u wanna talk about Obama I don't give a damn about Romney or Pat McCory now how do u like that


Screamin' Lord Byron@One Direction Lover Obama added 6TRILLION dollars to the national deficit... I'll repeat that number so that it can sink in SIX TRILLION DOLLARS. That sure is a funny thing considering that his campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. But hey... he plays one helluva game of golf, so I guess that makes everything ok.

Sarah @Tiara< fail You just said that there being racist which they're not, they have actual reasons why Obama is a bad president you don't you're just listening to what you heard from people who don't even watch the news so yeah if you really want to be able to say something like this lets actually learn something about politics first

Sarah boom, boom, pow

Jewelz💎💙💎 @Sarah lol

Jewelz💎💙💎 @Sarah i AGREE

oosarahxx@Sarah Thank you!

hearti think Obama

zoe_13Anyone BUT Obama! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

zoe_13he taxes the rich more money after they have worked hard for it and are successful! Maybe he should stop spending our money on stupid things, though! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Girlygirlclinton was amazing n helped the us in so many ways🇺🇸

Sam@Thomas what you must be kidding me Obama rocks

Sam@Thomas what you must be kidding me Obama rocks

MYTgirl115🎤👯🎭@Sarah thank you for saying that cause it is so true cause everyone that said Obama knows nothing about politics and what he is doing to society.

MillerFuck you Obama worshipping liberals and fuck bush jr. All you idiots that chose either one of these can go fucking die! Obama is a psychopath! He's taking away your rights and you support him for it!? What the fuck is wrong with you!!!! Fuck you liberal fools!!! I'd rather have hitler in charge than him!

MillerAll you people against him have true facts to support that he is a terrible president. BUT, the people that support him have not a damn thing! To support their claim!


AlexObama blows

Screamin' Lord ByronGREAT NEWS!!! Obama is collecting data on ALL of our phone calls and internet usage! We are being treated like criminals by this Nazi-esque administration. George Orwell was right! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

kriswe need help millers comment is awesome


EthanBush Jr?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@PirateEthan there's another Bush who may run for president. I forget his first name.

Ethan@Sarah There is George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush, but no George Bush Jr
