Democrat or Republican?

377 votes

What's the difference these days?!
567 votes

578 votes

499 votes


super girlDemocrats if you don't know the difference

super girlDemocrats if you don't know the difference

.Republicans rock!

Rowski_13I'm 10 my moms a democrat so I kinda have to be a democrat right now so yeah

rastlinrepublicans want freedom Democrats want rules

Thomas @rastlin that's exactly right! Good job on politics

Michael MoonTea Party. Republicans and Democrats are turning bad. Democrats are 1000% worse though.

Lois TarkanianMy mom and dad is a replican so I still want to and who here likes Obama I don't

Jewelz๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’Ž @Lois Tarkanian agreed

MindyDon't worry twelve year olds. One day you'll be educated enough to form your own opinion and not just go with what your mommy and daddy are. Proud democrat. Obama <3

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI'm independent (both)

guyObama is ruining this country

DjRepublican and PROUD!!

ั•ฯ‰ฮนะผ;)Republican. Obama is not the right choice for president. Idk why he is president and not Mitt Romney.

SocialRejection@Karen I don't know if Obama is exactly the ideal president, but I'd take him over Mitt Romney any day. Romney seems pretty ill informed, and kept changing views on everything. And I am very much against Romney's views on gay marriage, so, Democrat.

Thomas Democrats suck

zoe_13@Thomas thank you!!!! I agree!!!

Thomas @zoegurl123 ur welcome. And it's very true.

AutumnDemocrat the reason Obama isn't helping our country is because no one will help

AutumnAll mitt Romney wants is to take money to give to the military he doesn't care about middle class only 1st class

Edogthat is not your bizness weirdo

IceMan@Iโค๐Ÿฌ ur actually right

Michael Moon@Iโค๐Ÿฌthat is in no way true. Just because he's rich doesn't mean he hates everybody else. He got rich for a reason you know

nugget_baby@Mindy i agree

Edogthat is not your bizness weirdo

IceMan@Iโค๐Ÿฌ ur actually right

Michael Moon@Iโค๐Ÿฌthat is in no way true. Just because he's rich doesn't mean he hates everybody else. He got rich for a reason you know

nugget_baby@Mindy i agree

Kayce-softballchick@Mindy ha ha I'm only 12 and my mom is republican and my dad is democrat and I am a full blood democrat!! I think Obama is a great prez-he has had to deal with so many problems/trageties and he has handled them so well that I respect him ALOT and I support him

Dj@Kayce-softballchick I don't agree I truly believe he should've been impeached when the attack on Libya happened (I'm not trying to start an argument by the way...

Michael Moon@Cupcake๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ I would be

Dj@Mackenzie I fully freakin agree I can't believe Romney didn't win!!!!!

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick and Bush didn't? Have you noticed more terrorist attacks under Obama than Bush so far? That's because we seemed stronger, when their was an attack, bush was "this won't happen" and obamas like "I'm sorry people in my country actually exercise their rights, lets give you Billions of $ a year so you can continue"

Kayce-softballchick@Michael Moon well it's not like Obama can control these freaks that are causing these tradgeties .....think of all the pressure Obama is under !! He is a great rolemodel - he has comforted the families of sandy hook- he has killed 1 and almost 2 of the terrist that dropped the bombs at Boston - he has put the man that did the Chicago theatre shooting behind bars-sooo he is a very strong and wise enough man to handle America and I respect him for that

Michael MoonSo... He killed them, he killed Osama Bin Laden, he comforted the Sandy Hook parents by wanting gun control (that's really stupid) and he put them behind bars. No, he takes vacations non stop and helps pay people for sitting on their lazy asses all day and gives them free iPhones. Besides I have no idea how he's a good rolemodel considering his (as Obama said himself) "mentor" was a communist who hated the US, and his pastor was the man who said "God*amm the United States of America!"

Dj@Kayce-softballchick he is the president he is supposed to be GOOD under pressure and he mite not be able to stop them during it going on be sure as hell can make sure it don't happen again and so far he has done a damn thing about it and I guarantee by 2016 Korea will it us with a nuclear bond because they know Obama won't do nothing about it so they can get away with it... And @Michael Moon I couldn't have said it better myself!!

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick btw if he kept troops in countries like Iraq there'd be less terrorists! It's like if we took away cops there'd be WAY more violence and drugs

Kayce-softballchickBut think of all the things that could have happened If Osama bin' Ladin wasn't killed - it said that he was planning another attack on the US and think of the bombers of Boston- if they had gotten away they would probably just keep bombing and blowing up innocent people

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick DO YOU THINK THAT OBAMA DID IT HIMSELF OR EVEN ORDERED THEM TO DO IT?! No, the FBI and Police did it, not the White House

Dj@Kayce-softballchick and by the way HE didn't kill that 1 terrist he had nothing to do with that I know he gave a speech bout the bombing but other than that u haven't heard much from him!!

Michael Moon@Cupcake๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ ya

Kayce-softballchickObama was behind it - who do u think approved it?

Michael MoonWho the hell wouldn't?!

Kayce-softballchickwell someone had to and that someone was Obama - he has done a lot for this country

Michael MoonThat's because libtards voted him in, AGAIN! On debt matter, $16.5 trillion in debt, he's added $6.7 trillion in ONE TERM. Bush added only $4.9 trillion EACH term, whose the bigger bad on that?

Kayce-softballchickit's because he knows what he has done and he is going to fix it-why do u think he spent all this money- what do u think he spent it on- he spent it on missiles and lasers to protect us and he has made peace with other countries!! He is upgrading so we can be prepared!

Dj@Michael Moon Amen!!!! Finally someone who gets me... Everyone is blaming it on bush, "oh Obama can't do this because Bush did this!!" Oh PlEASE give me a break that's just a damn excuse yeah Bush made mistakes but Obama has just ran this country into the ground and we may never get out of it!!!!

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick we had around 500 nukes at the beginning of his 1st term, now we have around 350. He gave scientist THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO FIND THE AVERAGE LENGTH OF A DUCKS PENIS!!

DjEven my teachers blamed it on Bush when we were talkin bout politics in class!!!!!!!

Kayce-softballchickHe is still protecting most Americans I'm not sayin bush was a bad president I'm sayin he STARTED the debt-and when ur down its hard to get back up - and when ur the president your GOING to use money- it would be better to spend money then to just sit back and not do a thing and not use the money!!! He is going to work this out

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick use what money?

Kayce-softballchickHe is making more and BETTER weapons to fend us against enemies!!! He is doing the right thing by being a man and protecting what he has promised to protect

DjNo we would be out of debt if he would just quit giving every lazy ass American welfare yeah some ppl need welfare but most don't deserve a dime from the government that's why we're so much in debt he ain't workin on getting us out all he is doing is putting us even more in then we already are!!!!!


Michael MoonProtect from what? Benghazi sandy hook and the Boston marathon? Idc if they were punished, I care that it HAPPENED

Kayce-softballchickhe is protecting!! And he is giving help to people who need it - he wouldn't give it to someone who wouldn't need it!!! Then that WOULD be wasting - but he is not - he is giving it to the right people and if I was one of those people I would thank Obama for helping me out- wouldn't u??

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick yes he would, it's called OBAMACARE

Michael Moonbtw do you have ANY idea how many people have DROPPED OUT of the work force

Kayce-softballchickI'm not talking about the work force! I'm talking about him helping out and reaching out to the people who need help- and at least he cares about the middle class and lower class unlike Romney!!

Dj@Kayce-softballchick yes is because if he wasn't we wouldn't be so far in debt, and do you really think 75% or MORE of Americans ACTUALLY need welfare!!! @Michael Moon exactly!!!!!

Michael Moon@Kayce-softballchick JUST BECAUSE ROMNEY WAS RICH DOESN'T MEAN THAT HE HATES EVERYBODY ELSE. HE'S EICH FOR A REASON. By the way, Romney is a role model. Also I don't think that higher taxes is helping the lower or middle class. Look at Michael Moore, he's rich. Look at his house, it's huge!!

Kayce-softballchickyou would be surprised at how many people NEED Obama care!! Again he doesn't just make it available to anyone- u have to be qualified/ elidgble to get it

Michael MoonLike Welfare, oh wait, that was before Obama. They wouldn't need Obamacare if only they would GET A JOB THAT PROVIDES HEALTHCARE!

Dj@Kayce-softballchick you are mistaking welfare you have to qualify for Obamacare is for EVERYBODY you DO NOT have to b qualified for it!!!

Kayce-softballchickmaybe they can't get a job-maybe they have a disease or maybe lost their arm or something and maybe they have narcolepsy or something - cerebral palsy - u CAN'T do all those things!!! these people NEED the help

Michael MoonYes, THEM. Not people like my uncle, or cousin, or aunt, etc

Kayce-softballchickWell are they a single income family?? Have they lost a limb - if they haven't then I don't know what to tell u except that they need the money

Dj@Kayce-softballchick like u said SOME ppl need the help but MOST just don't want to get off their lazy asses!!

Kayce-softballchicksome people are handicapped!! Just because they look or seem ok - they still may not be stable to work - they could be mentally unstable or physically

Michael MoonNo, they live with their parents and haven't had a job in years. They play XBox all day and don't even look for a job. Uncle has a child of who he spoils with his parents money who were in debt for $66 thousand, then asks for $25 thousand to buy a house which will surely be renowned by the bank.

Kayce-softballchickDoes he get child care or something

Michael MoonNo, he's supposed to PAY child support but he doesn't

Dj@Kayce-softballchick how many times do I have to say YES SOME PPL NEED HELP BUT MOST DON'T R EVEN READING MY COMMENTS!!! Some ppl do have mentally and physical problems but most do not their just TOO freakin lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kayce-softballchicksome are I agree lazy but they could be getting off of their realatives money and income and not paying dime or working!

Kayce-softballchicknot because Obama care just gives money away!!!!!

Michael MoonYa, he bankrupt his parents.

Kayce-softballchickthere is the reason-

DjNo no most are just lazy that's my opinion not yours...

Kayce-softballchickalright then- agree to disagree :)

Michael Moon@Cupcake๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ I agree, but some do need it. I say show proof that your lookin for a job at least every 3weeks to be eligible for welfare

Dj@Michael Moon I think some do need it to I'm not saying everybody that has it is lazy their r some people out their who need it to help out with their needs and @Kayce-softballchick okay agree to disagree...

Kayce-softballchick@Michael Moon that would be a very reasonable process

Michael MoonWhat process?

Dj@Michael Moon she's talkin bout how u said prove ur lookin 4 a job every 3 weeks

Kayce-softballchickto look at the jobs every 3wks to be qualified-

Michael MoonOh, ya. I thought she was talkin bout my uncle. My bad

Kayce-softballchickya lol I probably should have been more clear about that

Michael MoonIt's ok

๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’•Obama girl




Stacynot sure

Lizrepublicans suck. Democrats

๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹@zoe_13 puh leez!!!!

Aprogressive, green