What is the sexiest berry?

460 votes

194 votes

400 votes

1236 votes


DanielleYou don't count cherries?

DanielleHow are berries sexy??????

Jasperlol sexy berries lmao


Sammmiexo hahaha there all pretty sexy if you ask me πŸ˜‚

JewelzπŸ’ŽπŸ’™πŸ’Ž @Danielle ikr

JewelzπŸ’ŽπŸ’™πŸ’Ž @Jasper also ikr

JewelzπŸ’ŽπŸ’™πŸ’Ž @Sammmiexo lol

Troian BellisarioRachel Berry

Rerehow can a berry be sexy?

Sweet__nerd_box_lailalol that's funny

FlamePrincessAisha Halle berry

Sweet__nerd_box_lailahahahahahhhahahah wow

jaydaWat the fuck how r berries sexy???? Wat u rape them at night??

AngieReally? That's a lame question

Johana CisternasBerry no sexy

Johana Cisternashow bout blackberry


maceyI agree with Danielle. How are they sexy

Sammmiexo lol you people don't under stand jokes.

SoDevilishEverything can be sexy, for example: people can have food fetish, so they can think that berries are sexy! Just saying :)

Sean vandiverVagina cherry

Peace rocksπŸ’Ÿberries are so sexy

prettypony347i say strawberries cause they are well rounded and have a nice shape

ghazal_alimi73Um... Now that I'm done with that awkward stage, wait what?????? Berries?? I DON'T KNOW! Strawberries I guess...

ghazal_alimi73What am I saying? Is this what my life has come too? Berries being... Gosh this is weird. I better do something besides answering questions. Berries being... Ok that's enough, but really...

boos sis Since when r berries sexy???

Kitty Kat😻boos sis, that's what I'm saying!

Brittany@Danielle ikr

skyWe all are CRAZY

Xx_Crazy-Ninja_xX@Brittany which Danielle, #1 #2

1d lover xxxxwhat????

Tuxedo ManDingle berry

Claire Wellsawkward question. haha


lexiduh the way a strawberry rocks its red coating

lexilol haha

MRKblue berry because its short and plump! And just look at that color! ;)

RANDOM@Sean vandiver OH GOD SHUT UP!! :p

RANDOM@Ghazal Lol ya ikr!!

Y0L0 $W@GBoysenberry

Mahomie4lifeweird question