How do I get a girls phone number

Ask one of her frends
42 votes

16 votes

Ask her out
68 votes

Ask for it
158 votes


Fig_dat_chuloslap the bitch , jk don't do tht 😬 jus get to be her friend then ask

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. stop being a pussy and ask for it

alpacataylorjust say hey can I have ur number

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑Make sure you introduce yourself if you don't already know her. (Getting a little shy might make the girl think you're cute.) Give her a compliment. (Saying " You have gorgeous eyes" usually makes the girl blush.) Then ask POLITELY for her phone number. If you get it, say " Thanks, I'll be using it soon" Smile, then walk away. If you don't get it. Either get mad and say "That's fine, I wouldn't have used it anyway" Then walk away. Or you could say "It's okay, there are plenty fish in the sea right?" Smile then walk away. Okay, I'm done. (I'm a girl so I know this)

Mia_Xosay that u have pet that u want to show her. Then get her #

WeeabooTrashJudging on your abilities to spell "friends", you probably won't be getting a girl's number anytime soon...