Touch the Olympics with ur nose! NO CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!! That's the whole fun and point of game to not cheat!

335 votes

70 votes

210 votes

122 votes


HannahSNOWBOARDING!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ‚

Ethanfuuuuuck so close

I_love_you!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒI did it!!!!!!!!!!

Atheerahhhh i touched the balls ugh ...but i was so close though

Ethan@Atheer πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Lovely girlI did it

SakanaruI had to do it several times I had to slam my nose into it... You made me hurt my nose😠

BeachGirlDid it

afkiJust missed

Joni did it

πŸ‘‘Princess_PewdiepieπŸ‘‘@Ethan haha

JayI did it

πŸ‘‘Princess_PewdiepieπŸ‘‘@πŸ”±SakanaruπŸ”± ha your funny