Which are you

14 votes

10 votes

Comment ( no one against emos or gothics)
47 votes

32 votes


Maya:DBe yourself

Adriana I'm emo

Gerard Way's Bae I'm different, I'm human. I don't judge by looks.

jujua little punk...

😏Tomboy😉what's emo?

Emo/TomboyGirl@😏Tomboy😉 look it up.

RoseI'm alternative

Emma_HereI am against stereotypes. I'm just me, and it annoys me when people call themselves one thing. You can't set a limitation on something that is as potentious as an individual being not marked by a clique.

Ashley😈I'm scene

TreyI was born in 1999 but I am stuck in the 90's grunge style


AbbeyI'd say I'm all three actually. Depends on what mood I'm in sometimes. By put usually emo.


Cyannlables suck

MYsoul-isblack-without-u@Cyann 👍 You are awesome.

Cyann@👑RomanLatin👑 thanks c:

MYsoul-isblack-without-u@Cyann You're very welcome :)

AlienJ_Skye2222I'd say I'm kind of punk.