Which store is beta?😝😝😝

341 votes

150 votes

268 votes

131 votes


i luv justinAbercrombie is not cool they dislike fat people😑😑

Puppy Lover!!!:):)@i luv justin yeah that is so true

directioner/belieberi live everyone except American eagle

Carly mahonelearn how to spell

Duchessjohanna Here's my middle finger to Abercrombie

marcwhat's so bad about Abercrombie ?

Duchessjohanna They don't want fat or poor people wearing their clothes. Their CEO said they want only attractive people to shop in their stores. Which is hypocritical considering he himself is an ugly asshole in his 60's

tyraforever 21 and h&m

Isaacforever 21 is for lesbians

🌻🌼Beautina🌼🌻@Isaac how come?

🌻🌼Beautina🌼🌻abercrombie is my favorite store

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Plato's closet

a.v.@i luv justin ik 😬 & i love American eagle (:
