So two girls are about to get ate by a zombie who do you save

Or the girl that has a crush on you but you don't like
268 votes

The girl you have a Crush on but she hate's you
334 votes


ANONYMOUSWe'll which one hot and which ones not then it'll be an easier desicion and if I save the girl who hates me she'll stop hating me and give me an amazing bj for saving her fucking life

EJIt is possible but there are some girls out there that will hate you even if you save her from deth

ANONYMOUSUm no she won't I saved her life but ig maybe in the long run she might

Maddie😂👌🏼@👑HCK暴徒生活TheCholoKRS1👑 fuck ur right!!

NikWhy not save both?

EJ@Nik there is not Enuf time to save both

Nik@EJ, there's always enough time

BlueRedWhy save any I got siblings to look after

emraldYEWell, I'm not a lesbian, so I wouldn't have a crush on the girl that hates me. So I'd save the one that likes me.

Gabrielfountainshe would like me after I save her

Ethanwhich ever one is hotter

VikingAim your anger at the zombie and mutilate it. Not only will you save two life's butt also let of some steam and anger you might have against the human race.

💗cheerleading-lover💗if you save the girl that hates you she might like you if you saved her...

Cgamer17The girl who hates you won't after you save her

Dylan@Cole igzactly so save there girl U have a crush on


MYsoul-isblack-without-uThe first cause once were alone she'll have to like me no matter what.

MYsoul-isblack-without-uI saved her life she won't fucking hate me.