Do u like mia Diaz aka me

13 votes

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28 votes


Katie:))Not you, please stop lying! Btw, cute hamster <3

MeadowsgymnasticsofficalI am mia Diaz thx for the hamster part it's called bubbles

ClaudiaYou are not mia diaz

MeadowsgymnasticsofficalYes I am

RoseElizabeth🌸No, you are not her

Some Dumb Rockerwhat

Some Dumb Rockeri highly doubt that Mia Diaz would say "aka me." You sound like some jealous 10 year old girl. Just sayin.

MeadowsgymnasticsofficalI am mia ask me

Katie:))@Mia Diaz the dancer Ask you what? Because your profile pic has mini pics at the bottom. So you are obviously not her 😐😑

Miss.dancerU are not Mia Diaz nice try liar

MeadowsgymnasticsofficalMiss never gonna be a dancer fuck off

Miss.dancer I'm level 8 for your information so ya

MeadowsgymnasticsofficalLevel 10 boom