Story of my life πŸ‘Œ

Not mine
295 votes

811 votes



Karley Graylolololololololololol exactly

SamanthaNo I have to do it

Horse lover boldnightkind of like Christian delgrosso vine

Ssbb same

πŸ‘‘Princess_PewdiepieπŸ‘‘@Karley Gray same

Marisa 😝that happens all the time and my mom comes and starts screaming at me that I'm lazy

Ethannah I have to do it, but I always forget, so my mom's always yelling at me for it

maddyohhhhhh exactly the same here

maddyhahhahaha lolllll moms r funny

maddybut scary sometimes 😊😊

alpacatayloromg yes so true πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Antionettethat's true my mom does the same thing