I need some girls to text any one up to it

78 votes

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23 votes

194 votes


Andrew KersteinMy number is 513-6304562 text me state your sex age and location

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]Can we have phone sex?

Andrew KersteinWe can talk dirty in text messages until I get home

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]What time?


Andrew KersteinIdk probably Around 3 or 4

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]how big is your cock?

Andrew KersteinWhat jasmine

Andrew KersteinBig enough

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]how often do you masturbate?

Andrew KersteinEvery few days

Emo/TomboyGirlU guys are desperate.

Calebmy number is (217)FUCKYOU

Jasmine😜😝😛@Andrew Kerstein gross much.....

TheReal$oularfat ass

Unique @Andrew Kerstein thirsty much

Random❤️@Celeb hilarious

Nij@Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user] wtf is that picture lolololololololol

Sarah😉😈🦄sure I'll give u my number it's (904)YOUR - A - FUCKER