Would you rather have sex with

A peice of shit
141 votes

Miley Cyrus
218 votes

Selena Gomez
408 votes

237 votes


Hahanicki minaj

pretty girly Robin thicke

Maddieaustin mahone

Green Sammy BienenstockAriana grande but not really just to hang with

AustinJennifer Lawerence! Soooooooo HOT!


ayanaJennifer Lawrence

MariaRoss lynch

mirandaTaylor Monsman or Gerard Way

noeAndy biersack

JoshuaAnna popplewell

AustinYou! You're hotter than all of them combined! ๐Ÿ˜

Nicholeross lynch

Marshal SzweduikAriana grande

SwaggerificjjAndy Biersack

๐Ÿ’€EMILY๐Ÿ’€{AOF}andy biersack kellin Quinn jinxx jake Pitts CC omg so hot

Cassie changing Tatum

Cassie channing I meant

donutloverrmy crush

moniloveif it's female then Demi Lovato and male then it would be Justin Bieber

:)Luke hemmings (from5sos),reece mastin or channing Tatum

JonasKate Upton

ttb_nickโ›ฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ…ฐ๐Ÿ†–Nicki Minaj


footballsportyqueenwell if I was a guy it would me Demi lavoto butt since I am a girl it would be either Justin Biever or Shawn Mendez. Mostly Shawn Mendez


LegendsNeverFadeMiley cause she nasty or you