Does being a trans change the hole relationship?

215 votes

Who cares
68 votes

What are you talking about
83 votes

166 votes


Love Is Everywherethats very punny

TIK.TOK.TOBYwhat's a trans

Robthe hole? Which hole?

fangthecoyote@Jackle People who don't feel right in their body so they change to the opposite gender.

familiar1I think it has some effect but it shouldn't change it. There will be some emotional and maybe physical things that will be problematic. Overall, I think that if you're comfortable with yourself your partner should be too. it's intense situations like these that test love

MentalInsanityIt shouldn't

ZoëNo. It shouldn't change anything at all. If you love the person then you love them. Being a trans shouldn't change it.

ChristiannaMarieXD I hope not lol

Arianalove is love

Tweetybird😘it shouldn't matter! A relationship is not about what's on the outside but what's inside! If you love each other then that is all that should matter! If it matters to,the person then you aren't in a real relationship with the person and the person is very shallow

Awhat are you asking? if someone figures out they are trans *after* they begin a relationship? sometimes it changes things, sometimes it doesn't. usually people know these things before they start a relationship...