If your boyfriend cheats on you, do you...

Kill both of them and hide the bodies
28 votes

Kill her
19 votes

Kill him
32 votes

Do nothing and pretend you didn't see anything..
45 votes


SamWhat, why would I murder any of them? I'd just bring it up and talk to him about it because it's really not that big of a deal to me and shouldn't be to others.

kimiaslap him say we are over and find the bitch he cheated with

Qmanisawesomefour types of people

elisaThe last option i do that a lot lol

Sakanarurip his balls off & hang it on your front porch... Man! I even scare myself!๐Ÿ˜“

TheReal$oularOr you could just break up

TheReal$oularyo I'd avoid all y'all if I cheat. Especially @Sam. I'm not explaining myself. That's just a felony waiting to happen

โ™”โœงโ“ˆโ“‰โ“Žโ“โ’บโœงโ™”I'll ask him: I SAW YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH ANOTHER GIRL! What's wrong with you!?

SakanaruYeah! Bing bong!๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ˜ค