Alison it's alive?! What you thing?! I knew the answer...

50 votes

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331 votes

It's she alive tell me
47 votes


Eduarda Yes she's alive

ⒷⒺⒶⓊⓉⒾⒻⓊⓁ ∞Spoiler: yes she is

One direction❤️❤️😘😘WARNING: If you have not seen season 4 I suggest you don't read this, unless you want a spoiler! Yup she's alive and I'm dying to know who red coat is! I haven't got through all of season 4 so I don't know who red coat is but in season 4 it showed 2 red coats one was Ali and the other was Cece Drake! I still can't believe what Ezra did to Aria!

Eduarda Me too

Tweetybird😘ALISON IS A!!!

Tweetybird😘well atleast for the season


EZ🌋but it says " you think I'm Alison don't you? Duh she's dead"


NunyaBusinessI'm going crazy not knowing who the fuck A is? *gasp* my foot is A