Talk to me about your thoughts on the paranormal

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SouthKoreanGirl21Hi Martin

MartinJullie zijn de beste Alison




Shyanne☺️One time when I was about 8 or 10. I live in this really old house and my mom was upstairs and I was downstairs with my baby sister then I heard my name get called took my baby sister and ran upstairs when it was time for us to all sleep I looked near my bed and it was a white shadow looking over me the shadow said don't worry I will protect u from the evil spirits I covered my eyes and cried silently then in the morning when my friend came over (play date) I told her about the ghost she told her mom she wanted to leave and she went away then my baby sis started to cry and my mom was sleep so I went to check on her there were two black figures over her I yelled my heart out i Ran to my moms room and she was gone I looked every were in the house when I checked the basement the door behind me slammed shut then I felt someone playing with my hair going Hehehehe ur pretty when my mom finally opened the door I had blood all over me and a few months later when we was moving away I found a picture in my room that I never noticed it had a girl in it that looked like me my mom came over and said that girl died on this property 20 years ago she was 9 years old and I'm nine or 10 or whatever years old and she had a clip in her hair that I had on in my hair I looked closely at it and it had the name shyanne on it which was funny because my name is shyanne......every since ghost been around me I'm scared of the dark as u might guess I didn't tell no one until I was 13 it was horrible !!



🎩Banter🎩i do believe the scientific term is bullshit

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑I'm a non believer