Hot or not

In the middle
6 votes

3 votes

Marry me
0 votes

6 votes


Emo/TomboyGirlur like 6

Alyssa_connleyNo I'm 9 little emo tomboy whatever person✋

Alyssa_connley@Emo/TomboyGirl do u need some ice for that burn

Emo/TomboyGirl@J4Lcheer that's how u know u nine ratchet ass bitch. Go look it up. U may not know what that means cause ur immature and a dick.

Emo/TomboyGirl@J4Lcheer so shut the fuck up. Who need ice cream now?? Oh, and it's an ice pack, not ice cream. Get ur facts strait

Alyssa_connleyOk umm you r a creepy joker in your profile pic so get out of my kool aid and u are a emo tomboy girl so I would not be talking and u are just jealousy of my awesometisity and you are not 6 because u act like it and I just hate when u say bad and mean words and u should have learned that in kindergarten wait never mind u got held back to many time in pre school that your mom had to take u out of school and that explains why u got no brain

Alyssa_connley@Emo/TomboyGirl burned