Ist das, was Sie 5 Sterne zu dem neuen Update geben?

Ja, ich liebe
1377 votes
Geben Sie jetzt 5 Sternen itms-apps:// 0.4

Nein, ich weiß nicht wie
2399 votes


MC 97Schwer zu sprechen sprache namentlich deutsch gesprochen

MatthieuR@MC97 can you translate in English?


.was ?

LeeKasay it in English of its easier for you. for me it wouldnt be a problem


Vanii♡Yea i like :-)

DiePeaceGoogle Translate is not good. English Is'nt a problem for us.

Vanii♡@DiePeace you're right

CaityHeart@DiePeace that's right.

MatthieuR@DiePeace you mean HeyCrowd is not in good German


DiePeace@MatthieuR I mean, your question is in Bad german, because you translated it with a bad translator like the one by google so I think it would be easier for you and us to make it in english.

CaityHeart@DiePeace but here are so many little children! Do you think, they understand anything of what we're writing? I don't think so😂

princessIt is not hard to understand you. I mean you speak english not Hindi or another far out language. The "little children" maybe don't understand everything but the most or the half of your Text, i mean they start their english lessons in their first grade! And you were a little children too, so don't lough at them.


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