Do u think ppl should be aloud to drive when they are 16+ in England

Noooo way
27 votes

Yea why not
43 votes


LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHif thay pass there test yeah and ppl do drive at 16 including me a bit ;)

itsmeyh but not in England you have to be 18


itsmeto take your test not to drive

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@itsme take your test to drive if u pass at 17 u have a driving licence so u can drive on roads etc

itsmeYh when your 18

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@itsme u pass your test at 17 then u can legally drive in the uk look it up

itsmeok take a chill pill 😑

EmilyHow are you driving when your profile says ur 13?

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@Emily private land and cool parents