Would you

Kiss him
12 votes

Bite him
71 votes

Make love with him
13 votes

Run away from him
262 votes


Harry Carterwho put make love with me

DOG LOVER@Harry Carter I feel sorry for u

Harry Carteryou fat shite

Harry CarterI feel sorry for u ur a big fat shite

HYou look 10. Anyone doing anything other than running would be a pedophile.

Harry CarterNot all people put running stop messaging me its not to you

Harry Carter@go away

Harry Carterwho put make love with me

DOG LOVER@Harry Carter I feel sorry for u

Harry Carteryou fat shite

Harry CarterI feel sorry for u ur a big fat shite

HYou look 10. Anyone doing anything other than running would be a pedophile.

Harry CarterNot all people put running stop messaging me its not to you

Harry Carter@go away