Feeling horrible right now:(

263 votes

202 votes

69 votes


Erin💕babe you ok?xxx

Madison T ❤Suicidal not really.

Erin💕Message me xxx

Madison T ❤Suicidal ok

Katie:))Why? :( xxx

kaylau alright can I do anything to help

MelodyWintersWhy are you feeling horrible right now

Madison T ❤Suicidal i just feel like I have no reason to live anymore.

kaylaYeh but there isn't a reason to die either so why life is gift

MelodyWintersWhy do you feel like you have no reason to live anymore

Madison T ❤Suicidal i hate my life and myself.

Katie:))@Madison T ❤Suicidal You shouldn't, you are an amazing person!

Erin💕@Madison T ❤Suicidal do you have Instagram?

MelodyWintersI do

MelodyWintersOh sorry you were asking @ Madison T❤️suicidal

kayla@Madison T ❤Suicidal dont hate ur life love ur life u can make it through these hard times

Madison T ❤Suicidal thanks everybody and yea I do have a Instagram. Ps.one of my questions says it;)

Jasmine😜😝😛@Madison T ❤Suicidal awww I hope you feel better😊😊😊

Madison T ❤Suicidal Jasmine Thank you so much! That means a lot:)

Jasmine😜😝😛@Madison T ❤Suicidal you are soo welcome any time!!!😀☺️😄😊

Daisystay strong