Think of 10 things you like about yourself. How long did it take?

15 min or more
5 votes

I can't do it
11 votes

Under a minute
10 votes

A few minutes
13 votes


Sakanaru1.goofy 2.silly 3.weird 4.pervy 5.different 6.sleepy 7.skilled (because I'm good with my hands) 8.mild OCD 9.considerate 10.introverted

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Oh lord 10... This is gonna take a while... 1. Easy going 2. Rational 3. True to myself 4. Deep thinker 5. Open minded 6. Uhhhhhh.... Ummm... I ran out of things

kate1.crazy 2. smart 3. fun 4. I like that I am awkward 5. hair 6. personality 7. open minded 8. I like that I am a girly girl 9. I'm weird 10. my style some of those were pretty stupid

Serpentine1. Honest 2. Loyal 3. Smart 4. Energetic 5. Funny 6. Positive 7. Supportive 8. Helpful 9. Quirky 10. Colorful