What is the best reaction when someone is acting unfriendly while you're trying to be friendly!

Try harder
58 votes

Ask them why the act that way
34 votes

Treat them like the way they treated you
71 votes

Stop trying and pretend like it never happened
49 votes


NoufTreat them like the way they treated you

johntreat them the way they treat you and see if they like it

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Good question! ☺ I'd treat them like the way they treated you or ask the why their being mean.

Kiana@👍guess we're on the same page!😉

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@Kiana :)

EthanFuck them right in the pussy

YouAreLOVED<3Still be friendly :)

Kiana@Askin Eleanor Carter😊


Sakanaruwalk away dont give them the time time of day..