Why do little kids on Hey Crowd post pictures of themselves asking if they're hot or not?

Low self esteem
89 votes

They don't get enough attention at school
65 votes

For gods sake they're freakin 5 yrs old
84 votes

They're parents gave them a phone too early
130 votes


Abbie Jerk!!!

Liv@Abbie uh no...I'm stating the truth sweetie. Deal with it or stfu

I <3 Yoga Pants@livmaster lol

Tinker bell Barbie um we'll if their parents let them have this app then isn't it the parents fault to? But I agree with livmaster

Hockey fanJerk!!

goodapplesareyummy@Abbie Lol you're just saying that cause you do it yourself. You too @courtney

Zoëi freaking love this question. Those hot or not posts bug the crap out of me. Most of them are elementary & middle schoolers. Tsk.

Filipino prideme too

BabyStarbucks🌸I hate it when they do that. Looks don't matter anyway they shouldn't even be dating. I didn't get my phone until I was 13. 😕

Liv@HeLLoCuTie same

Star🌟all of the above

Dori@Star🌟 agreed. Although i get that kids need phones for going out and stuff, and their parents cant monitor everything. But its not possible for an 8 yr old to be hot. It just isnt.

Lexi :) @HeLLoCuTie same

Cehrebhaddall of the above

HezrienLol all these butthurt girls cause they have done it before

Talons girl@HeLLoCuTie. I didn't get my phone till I got my car. (. Btw I was 16). And ya it drives me nuts when those little kids do that

Why So Serious💀Those little kids are to young to post those they don't need attention or thoughts about it

Rebecca Lynn Willhightit creeps me out when an 8 year old asks if they are sexy. Trust me-you don't want someone to say yes!

emraldYEDude I didn't get my first phone till I turned 16.