What is your favorite hair colour ??

302 votes

334 votes

592 votes

777 votes


Calisun360I chose the blond one because it looks like my hair

Lexi<3Red or black

jeanne🌸Blond is the nicest for me ! @calisun360

EmmaCasperI love auburn hair!

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Triple Smiles πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„Where's red? 😱😱😱

HaleyislikeI'm blond but had to go with strawberry

ScottI frikin love curls😍😍😍😍😍😍

Maddieyou spelled color wrong did you go to school?!?!???????!??!!!

Tabithain other countries other than America people don't spell color the same @sophia

Lexi<3@sophia I'm Canadian and we spell it like colour

SoftballSweetieugh everybody says blondes are the prettiest... Well I'm a brunette and that hurts other peoples feelings...not all of us are blondes what if we said blondes were the ugliest hurts just as much as saying blondes are prettiest :(