If you liked a boy but he had a girlfriend what would you do

I would tell him how I feel
402 votes

I would slap him
136 votes

I would do nothing
416 votes

I will say a lie to his girlfriend so I can get him
145 votes


MelodyWintersI don't know becaus I like a boy and he likes me so I really don't know

Samantha best💛tell him how you feel and he might feel the same and dump hat girl

Luv 1dI would probabley kill the bitch

🌺beth🌺I know how u feel I'm going through that too😭

LouiseI like someone loads but he has a gf

HollyTalk to him over message or snapchat or something and be nice. Ask good questions like How are you or What have you done today.Say it in a good manner though or he might think you are scrubby. Also put an x after it and if he puts one back then he likes you. Maybe put xx and see how he responds.

AngelaIf he has a girlfriend move off him wait till he dumps her

LiviaI wouldnt care about the girl if u want him get him