Are u a christian

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53 votes

Love Jesus
238 votes

700 votes

996 votes


#belieberanddirectionerlove him

Emo/TomboyGirlU don't have to be Christian to love Jesus.

Emo/TomboyGirlI'm part Hindu and Mormon. (I'm mixed)

#belieberanddirectionerwhat does that mean and ya I know

totaI am Muslim

#belieberanddirectionerWhat is that

Ethanit's not good for your brain to be a belieber and a directioner, too much faggotry

#belieberanddirectionerwhat does faggotry mean

Ethan Case in point

#belieberanddirectionerur rude


#belieberanddirectionerya it's called txt language

Ethan*yeah, it's called text language

#belieberanddirectionerugh sassy how old are u

#belieberanddirectionerwait let me guess 3

Ethantry 17

#belieberanddirectionertry 7

Ethanor nah

#belieberanddirectionerDo u not like JB

Ethanoh yeah he is my idol and inspiration

#belieberanddirectionerr u serious

Ethanof course

#belieberanddirectionerare u a boy or a girl



#belieberanddirectionerare u a christian


#belieberanddirectioneroh good I'm a missionary kid

Emo/TomboyGirl@#belieberanddirectioner I just read ur talk with the other dude and it was funny.

Emo/TomboyGirl@Ethan you two are funny.

#н¢¢иααиι@Emo/TomboyGirl: lmao!! I know right!😂😂😭😭

#belieberanddirectionerhahaha I take after my dad I want to be a funny kinda girl

Ethanno one is talking to you

Ethango play with your ant farm kid

#belieberanddirectionershut up yes they were u dork

#belieberanddirectionerOr grandpa cox u don't know txt language


EthanYOU CALLED ME A DORK?😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

#belieberanddirectionerso did I hurt your feelings

Ethan No

SlepItOuttaBabylon🇯🇲Ima christian but my mother is Muslim, so ima bit of both

edI'm a Muslim and I love Jesus!

🍧🎂🍪🍩🍫🍎🍉🍭🍅I'm 100% Christian in church almost every Sunday and proud of it!

#н¢¢иααиι@❗️SODMG•Da•Com❗️: same here!!

Jessicai love Jesus

malikaMuslim, love Jesus ❤️

pazz55I'm a Christian and am proud that I LUVE Jesus

😄😃😀i am I love Jesus

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I sorta am. I come from a catholic family but we don't go to church. I have mixed feelings about the bible.


Justin Christian and love Jesus


SuzanWhy you going to be mean you could of said what religan are you ;( ;-/

🎩Banter🎩Im more likely to believe in the greek gods than those christian stories

🎩Banter🎩@Ethan does she know ur mocking her?

Ethan@🎩Llew🎩 I'm not sure

🎩Banter🎩It was a pretty entertaining read. U owned her several times


Ethan@🎩Llew🎩 she hasn't been on since

🎩Banter🎩U made her kill herself didn't u??

🎩Banter🎩god dammit ethan not again


2isbetrthn_1@🎩Llew🎩 or the Spaghetti God!! Haha

Ethan@2isbetrthn_1 don't fuck with the spaghetti gods, they mean business

2isbetrthn_1@Ethan the only business they make is digesting INC


Ayye_its_me___🐠I'm an atheist

:)stuff all religions! That's what's starting all the wars. Mostly from Muslim

:)@🎩Llew🎩 same

GigiI am Jewish