Would you fuck me?

33 votes

17 votes

81 votes

233 votes


JohnMcLarenUhm, you're hot

Piplupia@JohnMcLaren thanks

Jasmine😜😝😛@Piplupia really??? That makes you sound slutty👌👌👌


Natasia VenturaNo, because I'm a girl.

Matiascount on that


Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Natasia u don't have to be a boy to gunk girls are hot

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Lol gunk I meant think

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼@jasmine don't be mean she's my friend ur so rude girl

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 I really don't care 😊😊😊 you don't even know me and your calling me rude???? If I'm rude you must be stupid

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼-_- I didn't say ur rude, I meant what u said was rude. And by the way stop texting me ur scaring me

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 Yeah read the text again....

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 You said that I'm so rude girl

Ethan@🇬🇧🍁🐼 you're the rude one

Jasmine😜😝😛@Ethan shut up

EthanI was supporting you

Jasmine😜😝😛@Ethan oh I am so sorry.....I thought that you said I was rude

Ethani said @🇬🇧🍁🐼 not @jasmine

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼OMG I just don't want u calling my friend a slut! She's a really nice person, and u don't have to get so up tight about it. Worse things can happen on hey crowd.

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Oh and by the way Ethan, sthu

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 No you don't talk to my friend like that!!!

Ethani don't take orders from pandas

Piplupia@jasmine @ethan @british-canadianpanda say sorry to eachother THEN HUG

GlobeTrekkerPiplupia its bcoz of u they all fought,so u should b the one to say n feel sorry for asking such dirty questions on heycrowd.i suggest that u behave yourself and be a good person

GlobeTrekkerAnd i think that british canadian panda must b ur second fake account through which u like making fun of others

GlobeTrekkerBut at the end of the day u will realise piplu or whatever ur name is,that u made fun of urself only but not of anyone else.so be good so that we can love n hug each other what u asked for from others.

GlobeTrekkerand m proud of friends like JASMINE AND ETHAN

Will Burnscall me

Deletedyou are sexy :)

Jasmine😜😝😛@Piplupia shut the fuck up

DeJuan @Jasmine so u just gone ignore me 😐

GlobeTrekkerAnd me too ?,lol

GlobeTrekkergood morning JASMINE

Jasmine😜😝😛@DeJuan oh hey

DeJuan @Jasmine do you go to trinity? And if so do u know a Fred Adams?

Jasmine😜😝😛@DeJuan you live in trinity???

DeJuan @Jasmine no but I know someone who does that's why I asked

Jasmine😜😝😛@DeJuan no

DeJuan @Jasmine oh okay

Ethanhook 'em horns

Will BurnsHi jasmine

👊Duchessjohanna👊Um too bad this isn't fucking you. And also, stop being so fucking thirsty

DeJuan @👊Duchessjohanna👊 well geez

👊Duchessjohanna👊@DeJuan sorry people like this piss me off

DeJuan @👊Duchessjohanna👊 lol I understand

👊Duchessjohanna👊@DeJuan oh good :)

Ethan@piplupia hell yeah if that's you

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Listen guys I'm sorry for what I have done I just didn't want u to talk to my friend that way. 😥 and by the way "Piplupia," is not my account, it's my friends.

Ethanso who is the girl?

PiplupiaHi my name is Nicole. Brits bestie @Ethan

Ethanhey nicole

Piplupiahi! @ethan

Jasmine😜😝😛@Piplupia you are gross to ask that question

Ethanway to respond 15 fucking hours later

PiplupiaThat's not very nice @jasmine

PiplupiaXD I don't check hey crowd often @Ethan

Jasmine😜😝😛@Piplupia why would you even put a question out like that? Your a very pretty girl but you went too far

EthanWell you just lost an opportunity to get fucked

DeJuan @Jasmine that's not really her

Jasmine😜😝😛@DeJuan how do you know

DeJuan @Jasmine if u go to her profile and look at the 4th pic

DeJuan I've seen multiple people use that pic

Jasmine😜😝😛@DeJuan oh.....so none of those pics are her

DeJuan @Jasmine prolly not none of them even look the same

GlobeTrekkercome on piplup,we want to c ur latest pic with ur hand over ur head,if u r for real

GlobeTrekkeror may b with a calendar behind u in the pic

GlobeTrekkerm waiting,lol

GlobeTrekkerthink piplup is scared,lol

GlobeTrekkerGood night to all

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Are u kidding me guys? I have known Piplupia for 2 years and she has always looked like that. Probably other people steal her pics from google

DeJuan @British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 Obviously you don't her very well

DeJuan @British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 It says she's 27 that girl doesn't even look 27

EthanShe's still a bad bird tho

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼Hey umm hey crowd messes all of our ages. She's 21 and I'm 18. Apparently, the auto correct on mine also made me 15. Hey crowd just sucks like that sometimes

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 Soo how old are u???

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 Really? You don't have to lie for her! Y'all are both very fake

Stillthatbritishpanda🐼I'm 18.

Jasmine😜😝😛@British-canadianpanda🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍁🍁🍁 Yeah but you are a liar so I don't believe u

EthanI'm 17 and it says I'm 16

GlobeTrekkerhaha,what a weird way to pass time in here on heycrowd,lol

RyanWell that Panda fucker is weird as hell and a Liar and piplupia is just some Fake dumb shit... Just saying some True words

JohnMcLarenHorny bitch

💛💙💜💚❤️💗💓💕💖💞💘@Jasmine😜😝😛 u call everyone fake your the fake bitch

ANONYMOUS@💛💙💜💚❤️💗💓💕💖💞💘 it the fake bitch

BossassbitchThis is just such a beautifully put question.





